WebGL Context Options¶
The first step to create 3D graphics in a HTML canvas is to retrieve
a WebGL context object, WebGLRenderingContext
, by calling
canvas.getContext('webgl', options)
. The options
sets properties of the “context” at the time of its creation. Only the
options that are different from their defaults need to be specified.
Options can’t be changed later; they must be set when the context is created.
For example:
let gl = canvas.getContext('webgl', { antialias: false,
depth: false } );
creates a WebGLRenderingContext
object and assigns it to the
variable gl
while changing the values for the antialias
and depth
options. To leave all of the options to their default
values, simply leave off the options
parameter, as in:
let gl = canvas.getContext('webgl');
The options, as described by https://www.khronos.org/registry/webgl/specs/1.0/#5.2.1, are:
alpha {Boolean} : default is
“If the value is true, the drawing buffer has an alpha channel for the purposes of performing OpenGL destination alpha operations and compositing with the (web) page. If the value is false, no alpha buffer is available.”Comments: Blending a HTML canvas with other HTML elements allows for “overlays”. See lesson 12.11 for details.
depth {Boolean} : default is
“If the value is true, the drawing buffer has a depth buffer of at least 16 bits. If the value is false, no depth buffer is available.”Comments: A depth buffer is required for hidden-surface removal. There might be rare cases where hidden-surface removal is not needed and in such cases setting the depth option to false would reduce memory requirements.
stencil {Boolean} : default is
“If the value is true, the drawing buffer has a stencil buffer of at least 8 bits. If the value is false, no stencil buffer is available.”Comments: The stencil buffer is useful for various rendering algorithms. See lesson 12.9 for details.
antialias {Boolean} : default is
“If the value is true and the implementation supports antialiasing the drawing buffer will perform antialiasing using its choice of technique (multisample/supersample) and quality. If the value is false or the implementation does not support antialiasing, no antialiasing is performed.”Comments: Antialiasing is discussed in lesson 12.7. Antialiasing reduces the jagged edges of geometric primitives due to sampling error. It should typically be left enabled.
premultipliedAlpha {Boolean} : default is
“If the value is true the page compositor will assume the drawing buffer contains colors with premultiplied alpha. If the value is false the page compositor will assume that colors in the drawing buffer are not premultiplied. This flag is ignored if the alpha flag is false.”Comments: If
, the alpha value in each pixel of a color buffer has already been applied to the pixel. Leave this enabled under almost all circumstances.preserveDrawingBuffer {Boolean} : default is
“If false, once the drawing buffer is presented as described in the Drawing Buffer section, the contents of the drawing buffer are cleared to their default values. All elements of the drawing buffer (color, depth and stencil) are cleared. If the value is true the buffers will not be cleared and will preserve their values until cleared or overwritten by the author. On some hardware setting the preserveDrawingBuffer flag to true can have significant performance implications.”Comments: Determines whether the color buffer, the depth buffer, and stencil buffer are automatically cleared. (Calling
is not needed by a WebGL program.) See the discussion in lesson 12.1.preferLowPowerToHighPerformance {Boolean} : default is
“Provides a hint to the implementation suggesting that, if possible, it creates a context that optimizes for power consumption over performance. For example, on hardware that has more than one GPU, it may be the case that one of them is less powerful but also uses less power. An implementation may choose to, and may have to, ignore this hint.”Comments: Typically keep default value of
.failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat {Boolean} : default is
“If the value is true, context creation will fail if the implementation determines that the performance of the created WebGL context would be dramatically lower than that of a native application making equivalent OpenGL calls. This could happen for a number of reasons, including: An implementation might switch to a software rasterizer if the user’s GPU driver is known to be unstable. An implementation might require reading back the framebuffer from GPU memory to system memory before compositing it with the rest of the page, significantly reducing performance. Applications that don’t require high performance should leave this parameter at its default value of false. Applications that require high performance may set this parameter to true, and if context creation fails then the application may prefer to use a fallback rendering path such as a 2D canvas context. Alternatively the application can retry WebGL context creation with this parameter set to false, with the knowledge that a reduced-fidelity rendering mode should be used to improve performance.”Comments: Implementing code that performs reasonably if this option is set to
and the creation of a WebGL context fails, requires significant amounts of extra coding.