12.1 - Introduction to Advanced Rendering

This chapter discusses the following, more advanced, rendering topics:

All of these advanced rendering techniques can be implemented using WebGL 1.0, but, in some cases, they are easier to implement if WebGL “extensions” are used.

WebGL Extensions

A “WebGL extension” is functionality that has been added to a vendor’s implementation of WebGL after the original WebGL 1.0 standard was finalized. A browser typically supports some subset of the approved extensions. A WebGL program can query its WebGLRenderingContext object (i.e., its gl object) to determine which extensions are supported. The version and vendor of the WebGL implementation can also be retrieved. For example:

let version    = gl.getParameter(gl.VERSION);  // {string}
let vendor     = gl.getParameter(gl.VENDOR);   // {string}
let extensions = gl.getSupportedExtensions();  // {array of strings}

The following WebGL program performs these queries and displays the results below the canvas. Please note that the output is browser dependent. If you have multiple browsers on your computer, please load this page into each one and compare the results. (Please note that the ordering of the extension names is not standardized. Therefore, do not expect to find a specific extension name in the same list location in different browsers.)

Display the WebGL version, vendor, and extensions.

Please use a browser that supports "canvas"

WebGL Version:
WebGL Vendor:
WebGL Extensions:
Open this webgl demo program in a new tab or window

The website https://webglstats.com/ provides a good resource for how much support a particular WebGL extension has in various browsers. The use of extensions possibly limits the number of users that can view your WebGL program. Therefore, extensions should only be used if they are widely supported or if your users are known to use a specific browser.

To use a WebGL extension it must be “activated” using a call to gl.getExtension(name).

WebGL Buffers

To study advanced rendering you need a comprehensive understanding of WebGL buffers. A buffer is a contiguous block of memory for storing a set of related values. Previous lessons have described three types of buffers:

  • buffer object: A 1D array of graphic primitive attribute values. The most common attribute is a (x,y,z) value per vertex. Other attributes include color, normal vector, and texture coordinate. Any data stored on a “per vertex” basis is stored in a buffer object. (The official name is vertex object buffer, or VOB’s.)
  • texture object: A set of values that store the rendering parameters of a texture map and its 2D image.
  • draw buffer: A 2D image that contains the rendered output of a scene.

This definition of a draw buffer is an over simplification. Actually, a draw buffer is a collection of three distinct buffers used for rendering:

  • color buffer: a 2D array of color values. Each element of a color buffer defines the color of a pixel using either three values, RGB, or four values, RGBA. The minimum memory for each color component value is 8 bits. Therefore each pixel requires three bytes (RGB) or four bytes (RGBA) of memory.

Example Stencil [1]

  • depth buffer: a 2D array of values that represent a “distance from the camera.” A depth buffer is used for hidden surface removal. The minimum memory for each element is 16 bits.

  • stencil buffer: a 2D array of values that controls which locations in a color buffer are changeable. The minimum memory for each element is 8 bits. Each element is a boolean value: if the element is true, the corresponding element in the color and depth buffers can be modified; if the element is false, the corresponding element in the color and depth buffers can’t be modified. The stencil buffer defines a stencil – an example of which is shown to the right.

To emphasize again, a draw buffer is composed of three distinct buffers. A draw buffer always has a color buffer and a depth buffer, while the stencil buffer is optional. A draw buffer is created automatically when a WebGL context is created and it is not directly accessible. The only functions that modify the draw buffers are the gl.clear(), gl.drawArrays(), and drawElements() functions. A draw buffer is the default “rendering target” – i.e., the default buffers for storing the graphic pipeline’s rendering output.

The color buffer, depth buffer, and stencil buffers are examples of Renderbuffer objects. A “Renderbuffer” holds a single type of data in a specific data format for the process of rendering. WebGL allows you to create customized “rendering targets” called framebuffers. A framebuffer is composed of one or more “renderbuffers”. In addition, WebGL extensions allow for a single framebuffer to have multiple color buffers. The details of draw buffers and framebuffers will be explained in the coming lessons.

The diagram below shows the graphics pipeline and the various buffers used for inputs and outputs.


Buffers in the Graphics Pipeline

Double Buffering and Canvas Updates

Double buffering was explained in lesson 8.1. As a refresher, rendering is written to an off-screen frame buffer to prevent a user from seeing incremental versions of a rendered image. When a rendering is finished, the image in the “off-screen buffer” is copied to an “on-screen buffer” to make the rendering visible to a user. The off-screen frame buffer is the color buffer of the draw buffer. The on-screen buffer is a sub-section of a rendered web page.

WebGL automatically clears the contents of the draw buffer after its image has been copied to the on-screen buffer. This prepares the draw buffer for the next rendering. This clears two buffers: the color buffer to WebGL’s current clearColor() value and the depth buffer to WebGL’s current clearDepth() value.


Most browsers do not seem to follow the WebGL specification for clearing buffers. Chrome and Firefox use a “clear color” that has an alpha value of 0.0 (or a clear color that is equal to a canvas’ background color) when they automatically clear the color buffer, regardless of what color is set by gl.clearColor(red,green,blue,alpha). To clear the color buffer to a specific color the function gl.clear(gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) must be explicitly called at the beginning of a rendering.


hidden surface removal
The determination of which graphic primitives in a scene are visible from the current virtual camera.
A surface that allows light to pass through it.
A surface that reflects or absorbs all of the light that strikes it.
The area of a surface that does not receive direct light from a light source.
particle system
A model of a physical phenomena that is composed of many small particles.
A set of contiguous memory locations that store a collection of related values.
color buffer
A buffer containing color values.
depth buffer
A buffer containing “depth” (distance from the camera) values.
stencil buffer
A buffer containing “mask” values.
draw buffer
A combination of three related buffers: a color buffer, a depth buffer and an optional stencil buffer.
A buffer that contains a single type of data in a specific format.
A set of renderbuffers used for rendering. (A customizable draw buffer.)
double buffering
Rendering to an off-screen buffer and copying it to an on-screen buffer only after the rendered image is totally complete.

Self Assessment

    Q-393: Which of the following WebGL commands will retrieve your browser’s WebGL version?

  • gl.getParameter(gl.VERSION);
  • Correct. It returns a string description.
  • gl.getVersion();
  • Incorrect. There is no such function.
  • gl.WegGLinBrowser();
  • Incorrect. There is no such function.
  • gl.version();
  • Incorrect. There is no such function.

    Q-394: Which of the following statements are true concerning WebGL extensions? (Select all that apply.)

  • A WebGL extension adds functionality that was not defined in the original WebGL 1.0 specification.
  • Correct.
  • A WebGL extension can only be used if it is supported by the current browser and if it is “activated”.
  • Correct. gl.getExtension(name) activates an extension.
  • A WebGL extension can be used in all browsers that support WebGL 1.0.
  • Incorrect. A browser may (or may not) support specific extensions.
  • Using a WebGL extension makes your WebGL programs executable by a wider audience.
  • Incorrect. It makes a WebGL program less accessible because there are possibly browsers that can’t execute it because they have not implemented the required extension.

    Q-395: A color buffer holds what kind of data?

  • Color values; typically RGBA values.
  • Correct.
  • “Distance from the camera” values.
  • Incorrect. Such values are stored in a depth buffer.
  • “This pixel can be changed” values.
  • Incorrect. Such values are stored in a stencil buffer.
  • Normal vectors.
  • Incorrect. Such values are stored in a vertex object buffer.

    Q-396: Which of the following buffers are required for a “draw buffer”? (Select all that apply.)

  • color buffer
  • Correct.
  • depth buffer
  • Correct.
  • stencil buffer
  • Incorrect. A “draw buffer” can have an optional stencil buffer, but it is not required.
  • render buffer
  • Incorrect. A render buffer is a programmer defined buffer for holding rendering data. A render buffer can be used as a color buffer, a depth buffer, or a stencil buffer.

    Q-397: Which of the following buffers are required for a “draw buffer”? (Select all that apply.)

  • color buffer
  • Correct.
  • depth buffer
  • Correct.
  • stencil buffer
  • Incorrect. A “draw buffer” can have an optional stencil buffer, but it is not required.
  • render buffer
  • Incorrect. A render buffer is a programmer defined buffer for holding rendering data. A render buffer can be used as a color buffer, a depth buffer, or a stencil buffer.

    Q-398: Which of the following is true concerning double buffering? (Select all that apply.)

  • The incremental changes to a color buffer are never visible to a user.
  • Correct. The offscreen buffer is never copied to the onscreen buffer until a rendering is finished.
  • A rendering process that draws graphic primitives using gl.drawArrays() can never directly change the onscreen buffers.
  • Correct. Rendering always changes the default rendering target which is the offscreen buffers.
  • Double buffering is automatically set up and enabled by WebGL.
  • Correct. No commands are required to enable double buffering and no commands are required to switch buffers after rendering.
  • Double buffering is an excellent feature but it slows down rendering.
  • Incorrect. Double buffering has no impact on rendering speed.

    Q-399: To have a specific color for the background of a rendering, …

  • Set the color using gl.clearColor(red,green,blue,alpha) and call gl.clear(gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) at the beginning of each rendering.
  • Correct.
  • Set the color using gl.clearColor(red,green,blue,alpha). (Double buffering automatically clears the color buffer after it has been copied to the onscreen buffer.)
  • Incorrect. Double buffering does automatically clear the color buffer but it is set to the web page’s background color, not the color set by gl.clearColor.
  • Call gl.clear(gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) at the beginning of each rendering.
  • Incorrect. This does clear the color buffer, but it uses a default color that is probably not the specific color desired.
  • Set the color using gl.clearColor(red,green,blue,alpha).
  • Incorrect. This sets the desired background color, but it does not change any color values in the color buffer.
Next Section - 12.2 - Hidden Surface Removal