8.8 - Chained Bezier Paths

Complex animations can be defined by a series of connected Bezier paths. Special care must be taken when connecting two Bezier paths to make sure that the speed and acceleration at the point of connection are consistent. An instantaneous change in either speed or acceleration can cause a visible “jerk” or “jump” in motion that is typically undesirable.

To connect two Bezier paths and maintain contiguous location, the p0 control point for the second path must be equal to the p3 control point of the first path.

To make the speed between two Bezier paths consistent you must make the vector <p1-p0> of the second path be equal to the vector <p3-p2> of the first path.

To make the acceleration between two Bezier paths consistent you must make the vector <6*(-1)(p1-p0) + 6*(p2-p1)> of the second path be equal to vector <6*(-1)(p2-p1) + 6*(p3-p2)> of the first path. An instantaneous change in acceleration is not as visibly noticeable as an instantaneous change in speed. Therefore you can often ignore the sync’ing of the accelerations because the visual artifacts might be minimal.

Mathematical Proof

The criteria to sync two Bezier paths is easily derived from the Bezier parametric equations.

Bezier parametric equation

p = (1-t)3 * p0 + 3*(1-t)2*t* p1 + 3*(1-t)*t2* p2 + t3* p3;

Using derivatives we have:

speed = d(p)/dt = 3*[(1-t)^2(p1-p0) + 2(1-t)(t)(p2-p1) + (t^2)(p3-p2)]
acceleration = d(speed)/dt = 6*[(-1+t)(p1-p0) + (1-2t)(p2-p1) + t(p3-p2)]

To synchronize two paths we need to know the speed and acceleration at the end-points of the path. This is easily calculated by setting t to 0.0 and 1.0 respectively.

  path starts when t===0.0 path ends when t===1.0
speed = <3*(p1-p0)> <3*(p3-p2)>
acceleration = <6*(-1)(p1-p0) + 6*(p2-p1)> <6*(-1)(p2-p1) + 6*(p3-p2)>

A WebGL Program

The following WebGL program defines a complex path using four connected Bezier parametric equations. A class named BezierPath defines a path using four control points along with a starting and ending frame to define when the motion occurs. You can experiment with the animation by changing the control points and the frame intervals in the bezier_chained_scene.js code, lines 81-101. A new class called BezierSeries implements functionality to track a frame counter over the various Bezier paths. It is defined in the bezier_chained.js file in lines 204-262.

Please experiment with this WebGL program and then study the comments below.

Show: Code   Canvas   Run Info

A series of connected Bezier paths.

Please use a browser that supports "canvas"

current frame 0 : 0 120
Path segments:
Show path 0 (in black)
Show path 1 (in red)
Show path 2 (in green)
Show path 3 (in blue)

Show: Process information    Warnings    Errors
Open this webgl program in a new tab or window

Please note the following characteristics of the above demonstration program:

  • The first segment of the path sets p0 and p1 at the same location. This makes the initial speed zero, which means the object starts from a stationary position. The same technique is used for p2 and p3 of the last path segment so that the speed is zero at the end of the motion.
  • The starting and ending vectors defined by the control-points of each segment are deliberately set to make the speed and acceleration consistent over the transition from one path segment to the next, except in the last transition, where the speed vector makes a hard turn in direction. There is a visible “jump” or “jerk” in the animation at this transition point. (Try to change the definition of the last segment to remove this discontiuity.)
  • If you drag or click on the HTML slider that manipulates the frame counter, it becomes the active input element and it will accept keyboard commands. Use the arrow keys on the keyboard to step through the animation sequence one frame at a time to see the detailed motion of the object along the path.


A series of connected Bezier paths can describe complex motion by giving an animator control over the location, speed, and acceleration of an animated object. Careful design and placement of the control points is required to achieve control of all three path characteristics at the same time.


Bezier parametric equation
A function of one variable, t, that calculates changes along a “path”.
Speed vector
The first derivative of an equation of motion. Speed always has a direction and a magnitude.

Self Assessment

    Q-355: What is required for a Bezier path to have a speed of zero at its starting location?

  • control-points p0 and p1 must be equal.
  • Correct. This make the vector <p1-p0> be zero, which is the vector that controls speed when t=0.
  • the control-points must be co-linear.
  • Incorrect. Co-linear points make the path a straight line segment, but this does not control the speed of motion.
  • control-points p2 and p3 must be equal.
  • Incorrect. This is how you would make the speed zero at the end of the path.
  • control-points p1 and p2 must be equal.
  • Incorrect. This makes the acceleration zero at the mid-point of the path, but does not control speed.
    Q-356: If vectors u and n are known, how can vector v be calculated.
  • n x u (cross product of n and u)
  • Correct. Using the "right-hand-rule," align your thumb with n, your index finder with u, and your middle finder will point in the direction of v.
  • u x n (cross product of u and n)
  • Incorrect. This calculates -v because the order of the cross-product is wrong.
  • v x n (cross product of v and n)
  • Incorrect. You can't use v to calculate v.
  • u x v (cross product of u and v)
  • Incorrect. You can't use v to calculate v.
    Q-357: How can you make an object move more slowly along a path – without changing the path’s location?
  • increase the number of frames used for the motion.
  • Correct. Speed is distance divided by time. Increasing the time lowers the speed.
  • adjust the intermediate control points.
  • Incorrect. This will change the speed and acceleration but also the path's location.
  • adjust the starting and ending control points.
  • Incorrect. This will change the speed and acceleration but also the path's location.
  • make the path non-linear.
  • Incorrect. Not relevant.
Next Section - 8.9 - Other Parametric Equations