8.6 - Bezier Non-linear Path

If the control points of a Bezier parametric equation are not co-linear, the path it defines is non-linear. The path does not pass through the intermediate control points, but moves towards them. The path that is created is always inside the convex hull defined by the four control points.

Convex Hull

Given a set of points in 3D space, if you wrapped the points in cellophane and stretch the cellophane tight around the points, you would have the convex hull of the point set. It is the smalled area that contains all of the points and a line segment between any two of the points is totally contained inside the convex hull.

The following WebGL program defines a Bezier path using four non-linear control points. You can change the path by editing the point definitions in lines 46-49 of the code or by scaling the vectors defined by the intermediate control points. Experiment by modifying the path’s control points.

Show: Code   Canvas   Run Info

Use a parametric equation to calculate points along a path.
Intermediate points influence acceleration and deceleration.

Calculated Animation Properties:
speed : ---
acceleration : ---
frames per second : ---
Please use a browser that supports "canvas"

current frame 0 : 0 120
animation: start frame: end frame:
Control Points:
Show path
Scale <p1-p0> 1.0 : 0.0 3.0

Show: Process information    Warnings    Errors
Open this webgl program in a new tab or window


If the control points of a Bezier parametric equation are not co-linear, the resulting path will be curved, such that the path lies inside the convex hull defined by the four control points. The intermediate points, p1 and p2, “attract” the curve, but the path does not pass through them.


Bezier parametric equation
A function of one variable, t, that calculates changes along a “path”.

Self Assessment

    Q-190: The path defined by a Bezier parametric equation always passed through its four control points?
  • Only if the four points are co-linear.
  • Correct. If the four points do not define a straight line segment, only the first and last point are on the path.
  • true.
  • Incorrect. It only passes through the intermediate control points if all four points are co-linear.
  • false.
  • Partially correct, but the path does pass through the control points if they define a straight line segment.
    Q-191: The path defined by a Bezier parametric equation lies entirely inside the convex hull defines by its control points.
  • true
  • Correct.
  • false
  • Incorrect.

    Q-192: To create a Bezier parametric equation that defines constant speed (no acceleration) along a path requires which of the following criteria, even when the path is non-linear?

  • the length of the vectors < p1-p0 >, < p2-p1 >, and < p3-p2 > must be equal.
  • Correct. If the three vectors have the same length, the path defines constant speed.
  • the control points must be co-linear.
  • Incorrect. This makes the path linear, but there are many possibilities for the speed (as lesson 8.4 explains).
  • the length of the vectors < p1-p0 > and < p3-p2 > must be equal.
  • Incorrect. This makes the speed and acceleration symmetrical at the beginning and ending of the path, but it does not make the speed constant.
  • the number of frames must be equal to the number of changes in the parameter t.
  • Incorrect. This is a nonsensical statement.
Next Section - 8.7 - Bezier Path Orientation