3.2 - Modeling Color

3D computer graphics creates raster images from geometric descriptions of 3D objects. Each pixel of a raster image must be assigned an appropriate color. This lesson describes the basics of color representation and manipulation.

Color Models

For devices that produce images using light, such as computer monitors, color is modeled as a combination of three base colors: red, green and blue. Light is additive. If you add red, green and blue light at full intensity, you get white light. The absence of light produces black. All colors discernible by the human eye can be created using some combination of red, green and blue light. This is called the RGB (red, green blue) color system.

For devices that produce images from reflected light, such as printed pages, color is modeled as a combination of three base colors: cyan, magenta and yellow. These pigments absorb certain wavelengths of light and reflect red, green and blue light. So this is not really a different way to represent color, it is just a different way to produce reflected light. All colors discernible by the human eye on a printed page can be created using some combination of cyan, magenta and yellow pigments. This is called the CMY (cyan, magenta, yellow) color system. Printers typically also use blank pigment to get crisper black colors. This is called the CMYK system, where K stand for “blacK”.

Colors represented in RGB can be converted to CMYK, and vis versa. We will concentrate on RGB colors because that is what WebGL programs typically use.

We need three values to represent a specific color: how much red, green, and blue light. A natural representation for these values uses percentages: 0% means no color, while 100% means full color. It is up to the hardware of a device to determine what 100% of a color means. For example, take a look at various brands of TV’s in a store. They don’t all create the same colors from the same data!

Device Independent Color

One of the goals of creating WebGL programs in the browser is that the graphics will execute correctly in cross-platform environments. We could like to specify colors that are device independent. The standard scheme for device independent colors uses floating point values. For example, (0.45, 0.23, 0.89) represents a color that is composed of 45% red, 23% green, and 89% blue light.

How many unique colors can be represented using floating point values? A lot! Each component value can represent approximately 8 million different percentage values. This allows for approximately 600,000,000,000,000,000,000 possible colors! Can the human eye see that many colors? No! The typical person can only see about 250 different variations in any particular shade of color, though color perception does vary from person to person. Consider the image below that displays various shades of black and white for various color depth choices.


Color depth for shades of black and white. (1)

Notice the following facts about the image above:

  • Each block of color is one solid color, even though it looks like the color is changing within a block. This phenomenon is called mach bands. To prove to yourself that each block of color is one solid color, take two pieces of paper and cover up the block of color on either side of a specific block. The block will become one uniform color! Remove the coverings and the “banding” effect will reappear. Your eye is designed to enhance contrast!

  • For most people, the 8 bit color depth provides a smooth progression of color. Can you see any mach bands in the ‘8 bits’ strip of color blocks? If not, this is at or above your eye’s maximum color resolution.

  • The ‘8 bits’ color depth allows for 256 different shades of black and white. If you use 8 bits for each RGB component value, you can represent over 16 million different colors. (2 8) 3. For the average person this color precision is considered “full color”.


An opaque object reflects most of the light that strikes it, while a transparent object allows some light to pass through it. The amount of transparency of an object can vary widely based on its composition. For example, a glass cup might be highly transparent, while water is partially transparent. Accurately modeling transparency is very difficult. A very simplistic model for transparency is to store a “percentage of opaqueness” with a color value. This percentage is called the “alpha value”. The RGBA color system stores 4 component values for a color, where the first three values are the red, green and blue components and the last value is the alpha value. You will also see references to ABGR and ARGB color representations. The order of the letters indicates the order of the values in the color specification.

Using floating point percentages for each component, here are a few examples:

RGBA color Opaque Transparent
(0.2, 0.1, 0.9, 1.0) opaque, all light is reflected 0% transparent
(0.2, 0.1, 0.9, 0.9) mostly opaque 10% transparent
(0.2, 0.1, 0.9, 0.5) half the light passed through the object 50% transparent
(0.2, 0.1, 0.9, 0.0) all light travels through the the object, the object is invisible 100% transparent

Shades of Color

Notice that since (0,0,0) is black and (1,1,1) is white, shades of any particular color are created by moving towards black or towards white. You can use a parametric equation to calculate a linear relationship between two values to make shades of a color darker or lighter. The parametric equation, C = A + (B-A)*t calculates linear values between values A and B as the parameter, t, varies between 0.0 and 1.0. When t == 0.0, C == A. When t == 1.0, C == B. When t == 0.5, C is a value that is half way between A and B.

To make color (r,g,b) lighter, move it towards (1,1,1).

newR = r + (1-r)*t;  // where t varies between 0 and 1
newG = g + (1-g)*t;  // where t varies between 0 and 1
newB = b + (1-b)*t;  // where t varies between 0 and 1

To make color (r,g,b) darker, move it towards (0,0,0).

newR = r + (0-r)*t;  // where t varies between 0 and 1
newG = g + (0-g)*t;  // where t varies between 0 and 1
newB = b + (0-b)*t;  // where t varies between 0 and 1
// or
newR = r*t;  // where t varies between 1 and 0
newG = g*t;  // where t varies between 1 and 0
newB = b*t;  // where t varies between 1 and 0

HTML and CSS Color

HTML and CSS code specifies color in one of two ways:

  • As predefined color names. (See a list of the names at html-color-codes.info.)
  • As a hexadecimal string where each color is represented by 2 hexadecimal digits. Each component value is a number in the range 0 to ff, (0 to 255).

It is straightforward to convert between WebGL colors and HTML colors. Given an HTML color value, convert each component value to a decimal number and divide it by 255.0. Given a WebGL color value, multiply each component value by 255, round to the closest integer, and convert the value to base 16.

If you select a color using the HTML input color selector below, the following table will display its value in both HTML and WebGL formats.

Select a color: Red Green Blue Color Representation
WebGL color: 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 (1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0)
HTML and CSS color: ff ff ff #ffffff

WebGL Color

All colors in WebGL require a four-component, RGBA, value, where each component value is a floating point number between 0.0 and 1.0. If you don’t specify an alpha value, it is typically assumed to be 1.0.

Experiment with setting colors by changing the background color of the following WebGL program. The background color is set in line 128 using the WebGL clearColor function.

You can also experiment with the colors of the model by changing the colors defined in the “materials descriptions” in the model_cone4.mtl file. Do not change the color names, just the RGB values of the lines that start with Kd. (We will discuss exactly what Kd stands for in a future lesson.)

Show: Code   Canvas   Run Info

Some examples of JavaScript class definitions. Ignore the functionality and exam the structure and syntax of the class definitions.

Please use a browser that supports "canvas"
Show: Process information    Warnings    Errors
Open this webgl program in a new tab or window


color model
A mathematical representation for color.
RGB color model
Represent a color for a light emitting device using 3 percentage values, one for red, green, and blue light.
CMY color model
Represent a color for a printed page using 3 percentage values, one for cyan, magenta, and yellow pigment.
CMYK color model
Represent a color for a printed page using 4 percentage values, one for cyan, magenta, yellow and black pigment.
color depth (or bit depth)
The number of bits (binary digits) used to represent a color component value.
full color
Use a color depth large enough to represent the full range of color the average person can see. This is typically recognized to be 8 bits per component; 24 bits for RGB colors; 32 bits for RGBA colors.
An object that reflects all of the light that hits it; not transparent.
An object’s composition allows some of the light that strikes its surface to pass through. A person sees both the transparent object and the object behind.
alpha component
The percentage of light that is reflected from an object. (1.0 - alpha) is the percentage of light that passes through an object.


    Q-62: The RGB color model represents a color as a combination of …?
  • red, green, and blue light.
  • Correct.
  • real grand bright light.
  • Incorrect.
  • cyan, magenta and yellow pigments.
  • Incorrect.
  • reddish grass baseline colors.
  • Incorrect.
    Q-63: Why do “mach bands” happen?
  • The human eye automatically highlights contrasts between different colors.
  • Correct. Your eye always enhances contrast.
  • Because you should never place two blocks of different colors next to each other.
  • Incorrect.
  • Different colors don't co-exist well.
  • Incorrect.
  • The human eye does not perceive color very well.
  • Incorrect.
    Q-64: What color depth is required for the average person to see their full range of possible colors?
  • 24-bit
  • Correct. Eight bits for red, eight bits for green, and eight bits for blue.
  • 8-bit
  • Incorrect. Eight bits allows for only 256 colors.
  • 1-bit
  • Incorrect. One bit allows for ony two colors.
  • 16 million
  • Incorrect. 16 million colors is the number of colors in a "full color" system, but "color depth" is given in bits.
    Q-65: What should be the alpha value for an object that is 25% transparent?
  • 0.75
  • Correct. The object is 75% opaque.
  • 0.25
  • Incorrect. The alpha value is the percentage of opaqueness.
  • 0.50
  • Incorrect. The alpha value is the percentage of opaqueness.
  • 1.0
  • Incorrect. 1.0 means the object is totally opaque.
    Q-66: Which of the following color names best describe the HTML/CSS color #ffb04c?
  • orange
  • Correct.
  • light-blue
  • Incorrect.
  • dark-grey
  • Incorrect.
  • greenish-blue
  • Incorrect.
    Q-67: Which of the following WebGL colors matches the HTML/CSS color #ff9f46?
  • (1.0, 0.62, 0.27)
  • Correct.
  • (1.0, 0.91, 0.46)
  • Incorrect.
  • (0.0, 0.27, 0.62)
  • Incorrect.
  • (0.0, 0.53, 0.75)
  • Incorrect.
Next Section - 3.3 - Modeling Location