2.7 - Events

Web page manipulation happens because of events. The events can be an action that the browser has taken, such as downloading a file; or it can be an action a user has taken, such as clicking on a button. We need to discuss five issues related to events:

  1. What events does a browser track?
  2. How do you associate events with specific DOM elements?
  3. What information is contained in an event?
  4. How do you write correct event handlers?
  5. Event hierarchies.

Browser Events

There are too many events to discuss in detail here. See HTML DOM Events for a full list. Below is the typical events we will use in a WebGL program to manipulate graphics in a canvas element.

Event Description
onmousedown The user presses a mouse button over an element.
onmouseup The user releases a mouse button over an element.
onmousemove The user moves the location of a mouse over an element.
onclick The user clicks on an element.
onkeydown The user is pressing a key.
onkeypress The user pressed and released a key.
onkeyup The user released a key.
ondrag The user is dragging an element.
onwheel The user is moving the mouse wheel over an element.

Notice that a key aspect of events is that the mouse is over an element. The location of the user’s mouse determines whether an event “fires” or not. For example, a mouse cursor might be moving over a web page, but only when it is over a specific element will a onmousemove event be generated.

Mapping Events to DOM Elements

There are two ways you can associate an event with a specific DOM element.

  1. Add an event attribute to an element’s HTML description. For example:
    • <element onclick="myAction();">
    • <div onclick="var a = 5; var b = 7; callAbc(a,b);">

  2. Add an event handler to an element using JavaScript. For example:
    • my_button.addEventListener("click", myAction );
    • $('#' + id).click( myAction );
    • $('#' + id).on('click', myAction);
    • $('#' + id).mousedown( myAction );

Method 1 is discouraged for several reasons. It is considered bad design to mix HTML content with JavaScript functionality. And if you use an element attribute, you can only associate one event handler for the element. Method 2 is the preferred way. Not only does this separate content from functionality, you can assign multiple event handlers to a single element if you need to. Using the jQuery functions for assigning event handlers takes care of browser inconsistencies, so those are the ones we will use. See jQuery Events for a complete list of event functions.

You can remove an event handler using the jQuery .unbind method.

  • $(selector).unbind(event, callback)

Event Objects

An event handler is a function that receives one object as a parameter – an event object. Different types of events create different types of event objects. See HTML DOM Events for a complete list and description of HTML event objects. An event handler function is called each time it’s event occurs. The data in the event object differs between the browsers, so it is best to use jQuery event objects which provide consistent data across all browsers. See Event Objects for a complete list of event data included in jQuery event objects.

The following is a partial list of the data sent to a jQuery event handler for mouse events:

Property Description
.target The DOM element that initiated the event.
.pageX The mouse position relative to the left edge of the document.
.pageY The mouse position relative to the top edge of the document.
.clientX The mouse position relative to the browser’s visible viewport.
.clientY The mouse position relative to the browser’s visible viewport.
.offsetX The mouse position relative to the target element.
.offsetY The mouse position relative to the target element.
.which The specific key or button that was pressed.

An Example Event Handler

Below is an example event handler for an onmousemove event inside a canvas element. The function calculates an offset from the previous location of the mouse and uses those offsets to modify angles of rotation for a scene.

 * Process a mouse drag event.
 * @param event {jQuery.Event} A jQuery event object
Function mouse_dragged (event) {
  var delta_x, delta_y;

  if (start_of_mouse_drag) {
    delta_x = event.clientX - start_of_mouse_drag.clientX;
    delta_y = event.clientY - start_of_mouse_drag.clientY;

    scene.angle_x += delta_y;
    scene.angle_y += delta_x;

    start_of_mouse_drag = event;

Event Hierarchies

Consider what happens when a user’s mouse moves across a web page. Let’s assume the mouse just moved over a button, which is inside a <div> element which is inside a <body> element. So there were several HTML elements under the mouse when it moved. Which of the three elements does the event “fire” on? This is actually a complex question and depends on which elements have registered event handlers. Let’s suppose only the button has registered a mouse motion event handler. When the mouse moves over the button its event handler will be called. However, some HTML elements have default event handlers that are built into the browser. For example, moving the mouse can scroll the entire page. A web page is a hierarchy of elements and events travel up this hierarchy when they fire. So in our hypothetical example, the mouse motion event will be passed to the default <div> event handler to be processed. Then the event will be passed to the default <body> event handler to be processed. Passing an event up the element hierarchy is the default behaviour for events. If you would like an event to be handled by a single event handler, then you must prevent it from being passed up to its parent element by calling preventDefault() on the event object. An example is shown in the above code.


In the WebGL program below you can edit the event handlers. Experiment! Here’s a list of things you might try:

  • Uncomment the out.displayInfo function call in line 103 and click the “Re-start” button. You should see output in the panel below the canvas each time you click the “Animate” checkbox.
  • Comment out lines 153-155 which register mouse events for the canvas and click the “Re-start” button. You will no longer be able to use a mouse drag operation to spin the model.
  • Triple the rate of spin by multiplying the delta_x and delta_y values in the mouse drag event handler function.
  • Change the amount added to the angles in the animate event handler.
  • Etc. …
Show: Code   Canvas   Run Info

Some examples of JavaScript class definitions. Ignore the functionality and exam the structure and syntax of the class definitions.

Please use a browser that supports "canvas"
Show: Process information    Warnings    Errors
Open this webgl program in a new tab or window


something happened – e.g., the mouse moved, a key was hit, a file was downloaded, etc.
event handler
a JavaScript function that will be called when a specific event happens.
event hierarchy
an event is processed by multiple event handlers because the event happened while the mouse cursor was over multiple elements, each element on top of the other.
event object
a JavaScript object whose properties describe an event.


    Q-56: Why should event handlers be assigned in JavaScript code instead of in HTML code? (Select all that apply.)
  • It is considered bad design to mix page content with user event functionality.
  • Correct.
  • If you use HTML, you can only assign one event handler to an element. Using JavaScript, multiple event handlers can be assigned to a single element.
  • Correct.
  • Using jQuery takes care of browser inconsistencies in handling events.
  • Correct.
  • JavaScript event handlers are faster.
  • Incorrect. All event handlers are implemented in JavaScript, so there is no speed differences.
  • The HTML code can't be modified after the web page is loaded.
  • Incorrect. The HTML code can be easily modified after the web page is loaded. That is what JavaScript does!
    Q-57: What is the name of the event that is “triggered” when a user selects a button?
  • onclick
  • Correct.
  • onkeypress
  • Incorrect. This event "triggers" when a keyboard key is pressed.
  • ondrag
  • Incorrect. This event "triggers" when the mouse is moved while a mouse button is being held down.
  • onmousemove
  • Incorrect. This event "triggers" when the mouse is moved and no mouse button is being held down.
    Q-58: Which properties of a jQuery event object tells you the location of the mouse when the event happened, where the location is relative to the element that “triggered” the event.
  • clientX, clientY
  • Correct. This is the (x,y) location of the mouse relative to the element that "triggered" the event.
  • pageX, pageY
  • Incorrect. This is the (x,y) location of the mouse relative to the entire web page.
  • which
  • Incorrect. This the button that is down, or the keyboard key that was pressed.
  • target
  • Incorrect. This is the element that triggered the event.
    Q-59: What does the command event.preventDefault(); do if called inside an event handler?
  • It prevents other elements that are also under the mouse cursor from processing the event.
  • Correct. This prevents the event from being processed by other elements in the event hierarchy.
  • It causes the event to perform some pre-specified actions.
  • Incorrect. Events do not have "pre-specified actions".
  • It causes the event to not perform some pre-specified actions.
  • Incorrect. Events do not have "pre-specified actions".
  • It makes the event happen on all other elements under the mouse's cursor.
  • Incorrect. This is the exact opposite of what preventDefault() does.
Next Section - 2.8 - Debugging